Volume 2  Issue 1‐3  March 1978


Capitalist development and agrarian structure in Brazil

Working the system: squatter response to resettlement in Rio de Janeiro

Towards a political economy of urbanization in peripheral capitalist societies: problems of theory and method with illustrations from Latin America*

Technocracy and exclusion

Rapports de propriété, ségrégation et pratiques de l’espace résidentiel

The urban process under capitalism: a framework for analysis

Urban social movements and the struggle for democracy: the Citizens’ Movement in Madrid*

Class practices of dwellers in barrios populares: the struggle for the right to the city

‘The parallels are striking’…crisis in the inner city? GB 1977

The political economy of urbanization: a comment—L’économic politique de l’urbanisation: une observation

Book Reviews

Comptes rendus: The political economy of housing in Britain


Sociology and planning in Eastern Europe

The capitalist crisis. Views from America, Italy and West Germany: La crise du capitalisme. Comptes rendus des Etats‐Unis, d’ltalie et de l’Allemagne de l’ouest

The recapitalization of capitalism

Capitalist crisis, neo‐dualism, and marginalization

The crisis of mass integration: on the development of political repression in Federal Germany

Domestic property and social class

Politique du logement et classes sociales

Mobility and the social organization of urban space in the United States, 1760–1820

The unity of opposites in urban planning

Praxis urbaine: Notes on urban struggles in Italy

Désurbanisation et développement régional au Viet Nam (1955‐77)

Current issues in US transportation politics


Melusina Fay Peirce and cooperative housekeeping*

Travail domestique et espace‐temps des femmes

Femmes et transports en milieu urbain

Women caring for pre‐school children in the USA*

Day‐care policy in France and its consequences for women: a study of the Metropolitan Paris area

A propos de la socialisation du travail domestique: l’analyse d’un village de vacances

Women, urban social movements and the lesbian ghetto

In practice supported, in theory denied: an account of an invisible urban movement

Cooperatives, women and political practice*

Book Reviews

Book Review Section: Revue des livres
