Volume 42  Issue 4  July 2018

In This Issue...

This issue showcases a prominent theme of changing entrepreneurial urban governance into a finance-dominant regime, or financialized governance. Here, the spatial fixity of land rent imposes both a barrier and an imperative for creating liquidity assets. Or, more broadly, how the urban is treated now creates a new logic of governance. The articles in this issue examine a wide range of instruments and practices: tax increment finance (TIF), public-private partnership (PPP), contract for deed (CFD), council-owned real estate companies set up as special purpose vehicles (SPVs), and private equity financiers. They offer insights on this new mode of governance and significantly advance our understanding of urban entrepreneurialism through more concrete studies of stakeholders and financial operation mechanisms, as shown in the cases of ‘financialized municipal entrepreneurialism’ in council-owned real estate companies in London or municipal land instruments in Sweden. The cases in this issue range across the Canadian province of Ontario, Sofia in Bulgaria, poor neighbourhoods in Atlanta, local governments in Sweden, Lambeth in London, Edinburgh City Council, Spanish cities, and a small city in Central China. All the articles demonstrate, to varying degrees, that the use of these instruments by the state to facilitate urban regeneration has deviated from the initial justification of public interest to involving the financial logic of rent extraction and financial maximization. Another related theme in this issue is policy mobility studies, which show how these new practices of governance may be learnt, adapted and modified across geographical space and scales. All the articles in this issue show methodological sophistication and pay attention to stakeholders, actors, organizations and their roles in governmentalities. They stress particularity in their case studies, for example, career promotion in China linked to land finance, the growth machine and speed of development, and selective definition and adaptation of an EU concept of territorial cohesion.

— Fulong Wu


Re‐Thinking Territorial Cohesion in the European Planning Context

Engineering the Financialization of Urban Entrepreneurialism: The JESSICA Urban Development Initiative in the European Union

State‐Led Financial Regulation and Representations of Spatial Fixity: The Example of the Spanish Real Estate Sector

Demolishing the Present to Sell off the Future? The Emergence of ‘Financialized Municipal Entrepreneurialism’ in London

The Neoliberalization of Municipal Land Policy in Sweden

Old Wine in Private Equity Bottles? The Resurgence of Contract-for-Deed Home Sales in US Urban Neighborhoods

Urban Redevelopment Policies on the Move: Rethinking the Geographies of Comparison, Exchange and Learning

A Small Entrepreneurial City in Action: Policy Mobility, Urban Entrepreneurialism, and Politics of Scale in Jiyuan, China

Public–Private Partnerships and the Design Process: Consequences for Architects and City Building

China’s Urban Speed Machine: The Politics of Speed and Time in a Period of Rapid Urban Growth

Book Reviews

Talja Blokland 2017: Community as Urban Practice. Cambridge: Polity Press

Roger Keil 2018: Suburban Planet: Making the World Urban from the Outside In. Cambridge and Medford, MA: Polity Press

Els de Graauw 2016: Making Immigrant Rights Real: Nonprofits and the Politics of Integration in San Francisco. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press

Dimitris Dalakoglou 2017: The Road: An Ethnography of (Im)Mobility, Space, and Cross‐border Infrastructures in the Balkans. Manchester: Manchester University Press

Lucy Earle 2017: Transgressive Citizenship and the Struggle for Social Justice: The Right to the City in São Paulo. London: Palgrave Macmillan

Hans‐Liudger Dienel, M. Reza Shirazi, Sabine Schröder and Jenny Schmithals (eds.) 2017: Citizens’ Participation in Urban Planning and Development in Iran. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group

Serhat Unaldi 2016: Working Towards the Monarchy: The Politics of Space in Downtown Bangkok. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press
