CROSSING THE LINE: Nationalist Gentrification and Settler Expansion in Israel’s ‘Mixed Cities’
In this article we point to the intersection between political settlement movements, religion and economic gentrification by identifying a new type of gentrifier who has settled in Israel's mixed cities: the nationalist gentrifier. Against the background of Israel's disengagement from Gaza in 2005, experienced as a...
‘MAN MUST CHOP!’: Agency of Potholes, Informal Road Menders and Socioeconomic Survival on a Sub-Urban Road in Nigeria
Owing to Nigeria's poor road maintenance culture, informal road menders (IRMs) have emerged who fill potholes on urban and sub-urban roads in exchange for money from road users. This article interrogates the micropolitics of this phenomenon as a relatively new means of informal livelihood within the context of the...
STATE BUILDING IN CRISIS MANAGEMENT: Reflections on Statecraft from the Shanghai Lockdown
The exceptional measures to combat the Covid-19 pandemic have brought great potential for reconfiguring urban governance. To examine such potential, this article presents how the pandemic crisis was managed in Chinese neighbourhoods. Following a statecraft approach and using Shanghai as a case, we show how a citywide...
A detail of the Centre Street Escalator Link at the Northeast corner of the intersection of High Street and Centre Street in Hong Kong (photo by Ben A. Gerlofs, July 2021)
A detail showing crowds in Quiapo, Manila (photo by Kim Dovey, 2022)
A detail from the “Magic City” sculpture in Miami’s Little Haiti, announcing the soon to commence construction of the Magic City Innovation District (photo taken by Richard Tardanico, November 2024)