Book Reviews


Book reviewed in this article:

Anderson Jeffrey J. 1992: The territorial imperative: pluralism, corporatism and economic crisis.

Dossal, Mariam 1991: Imperial designs and Indian realities: the planning of Bombay City 1845–1875.

Hamel, Pierre 1991: Action collective et démocratie locale: les mouvements urbains Montréalais.

Könen, Ralf 1990: Wohnungsnot und Obdachlosigkeit im Sozialstaat.

Lundqvist, Lennart J. 1991: Dislodging the welfare state? Housing and privatization in four European nations.

Lundqvist, Lennart J. (ed.) 1991: Policy, organization, tenure. A comparative history of housing in small welfare states.

Marsden, Terry, Philip Lowe and Sarah Whatmore (eds) 1992: Labour and locality: uneven development and the rural labour process.

Taylor‐Gooby, Peter 1991: Social change, social welfare and social science.
