Book Reviews


Book reviewed in this article:

Boyd, R.E., Cohen, R. and Gatkind, P.C.W. editors, 1987: International labour and the third world: the making of a new working class.

Damesick, P. and Wood, P. editors, 1987: Regional problems, problem regions and public policy in the United Kingdom.

Foner, N. editor, 1987: New immigrants in New York.

Henderson, J. and Castells, M. editors 1987: Global restructuring and territorial development.

Herlyn, U., von Saldern, A. and Tessin, W. editors, 1987: Neubausiedlungen der 20‐er und 60‐er Jahre. Ein historisch‐soziologischer Vergleich.

Ipsen, D., Glasauer, H. and Lasch, V. 1986: Markt und Raum. Die Verteilungswirkungen wohnungspolitischer Subventionsformen im städtischen Raum.

Wallace, C. 1987: For richer, for poorer: growing up in and out of work.
