Book Reviews


Book reviewed in this article:

Agnew, J., Mercer, J. and Sopher, D. editors, 1984: The city in cultural context.

Blowers, A. 1984: Something in the air: corporate power and the environment.

Boddy, M. and Fudge, C. editors, 1984: Local socialism?

Seabrook, J. 1984: The idea of neighbourhood: what local politics should be about.

Clark, T.N. and Ferguson, L.C. 1983: City money. Political processes, fiscal strain and retrenchment.

Sbragia, A.M. editor, 1983: The municipal money chase. The politics of local government finance.

Cope, D.R., Hills, P. and James, P. editors, 1984: Energy policy and land‐use planning: an international perspective.

Daunton, M.J. editor, 1984: Councillors and tenants: local authority housing in English cities̀, 1919–1939.

Davies, T., Mason, C. and Davies, L. 1984: Government and local labour market policy implementation.

Dawson, A.H. 1984: The land problem in the developed economy.

Gore, C. 1984: Regions in question: space, development theory and regional policy.

Redclift, M. 1984: Development and the environmental crisis. Red or green alternatives.

Greer, A.L. and Greer, S. editors, 1983: Cities and sickness: health care in urban America.

King, A. 1984: The bungalow. The production of a global culture.

Leitner, H. 1983: Gastarbeiter in der städtischen Gesellschaft: Segregation, Integration und Assimilation von Arbeitsmigranten Am Beispiel jugoslawischer Gastarbeiter in Wien.

O’Connor, A. 1983: The African city.

O’Connor, J. 1984: Accumulation crisis.

Pahl, R.E. 1984: Divisions of labour.

Palen, J.J. and London, B. editors, 1984: Gentrification, displacement and neighborhood revitalization.

Papadakis, E. 1984: The Green Movement in West Germany.

Peil, M. and Sada, P.O. 1984: African urban society.

Preteceille, E. and Terrail, J. 1985: Capitalism, consumption and needs.

Rodwin, L. and Hollister, R.M. 1984: Cities of the mind: images and themes of the city in the social sciences.

Schoorl, J.W., van der Linden, J.J. and Yap, K.S. editors, 1983: Between Basti dwellers and bureaucrats: lessons in squatter upgrading in Karachi.

Sharpe, L.S. and Newton, K. 1984: Does politics matter? The determinants of public policy.

Walton, J. 1984: Reluctant rebels. Comparative studies of revolution and underdevelopment.

White, P. 1984: The west European city: a social geography.

ARAU 1984: Bruxelles vu par ses habitants—quinze années d’action urbaine.

Wild, T. editor, 1983: Urban and rural change in West Germany.
