Book Reviews


Book reviewed in this article:

Andrusz, G.D. 1984: Housing and urban development in the USSR.

Apter, D. and Sawa, N. 1984: Against the state: politics and social protest in Japan.

Barrett, P. 1983: The automobile and urban transit: the formation of public policy in Chicago, 1900–1930.

Bateman, M. 1985: Office development.

Browning, R.P., Marshall, D.R. and Tabb, D.H. 1984: Protest is not enough. The struggle of blacks and hispanics for equality in urban politics.

Clark, G. and Dear, M. 1984: State apparatus. Structures and language of legitimacy.

Cooke, P. 1983: Theories of planning and spatial development.

Delorme, R. and André, C. 1983: L’état et l’économie: un essai d’explication de l’évolution des dépenses publiques en France (1870–1980).

Fetter, B. 1983: Colonial rule and regional imbalance in central Africa.

Forbes, D.K. 1984: The geography of underdevelopment.

Forbes, D.K. and Rimmer, P.J. editors, 1984: Uneven development and the geographical transfer of value.

Godbout, J. 1983: La participation contre la démocratie.

Hague, C. 1984: The development of planning thought.

Harloe, M. 1985: Private rented housing in the United States and Europe.

Johnston, R.J. 1984: Residential segregation, the state, and constitutional conflict in American urban areas.

Kirby, A., Knox, P. and Pinch, S. editors, 1984: Public service provision and urban development.

McDonald, J. and Ward, S.K. editors, 1984: The politics of urban fiscal policy.

Rassam, A. and Zghal, A. editors, 1980: Système urbain et development au Maghreb.

Redclift, N. and Mingione, E. editors, 1985: Beyond employment: household, gender and subsistence.

Seers, D. and Öström, K. editors, 1983: The crises of the European regions.

Skinner, R.J. and Rodell, M.J. editors, 1983: People, poverty and shelter.

Szelenyi, I. 1983: Urban inequalities under state socialism.

Kolosi, T. and Wnuk‐Lipinski, E. editors, 1983: Equality and inequality under socialism.

Tabb, W.K. and Sawers, L. editors, 1984: Marxism and the metropolis.

Taub, R.P., Taylor, D.G. and Dunham, J.D. 1984: Paths of neighborhood change: race and crime in urban America.

Van Vliet, W., Huttman, E. and Fava, S.F. editors, 1985: Housing needs and policy approaches: trends in thirteen countries.

Boleat, M. 1984: National housing finance systems: a comparative study.

Weaver, C. 1984: Regional development and the local community: planning, politics and social context.

Wynn, M. editor, 1984: Planning and urban growth in southern Europe.
