Book Reviews


Book reviewed in this article:

Ball, M. 1986: Home ownership: a suitable case for reform.

Malpass, P. editor, 1986: The housing crisis.

Cawson, A. 1986: Corporatism and political theory.

Dixon, C.T., Drakakis‐Smith, D. and Watts, H.D. editors, 1986: Multinational corporations and the third world.

Fox, K. 1986: Metropolitan America: urban life and urban policy in the United States, 1940–1980.

Grant, W. editor, 1935: The political economy of corporatism.

Jacobs, B.D. 1986: Black politics and urban crisis in Britain.

Karn, V., Kemeny, J. and Williams, P. 1985: Home ownership in the inner city: salvation or despair?

King, R. editor, 1986: Return migration and regional economic problems.

Lundqvist, L.J. 1985: Housing policy and equality: a comparative study of tenure conversions and their effects.

Morris, R.J. editor, 1986: Class, power and social structure in British nineteenth‐century towns.

Rothblatt, D.N. and Garr, D.J. 1986: Suburbia: an international perspective.

Scott, A.J. and Storper, M. editors, 1986: Production, work, territory: the geographical anatomy of industrial capitalism.

Sheehan, B.J. 1984: The Boston school integration dispute.

Smith, N. and Williams, P. editors, 1986: Gentrification of the city.
