Talkin’ ’bout the Ghetto: Popular Culture and Urban Imaginaries of Immobility

Sep 5th, 2012

Image above: Rivke Jaffe (DJ Sunshine) and Azinta Plantenga (DJ Rudegyal), Leiden, The Netherlands (photo by Faline Plantenga)

Rivke pics 720x325

Black Widow soundsystem, Red Light, Jamaica, 2003 and Stone Love soundsystem, Kingston, Jamaica, 2010 (photos by Rivke Jaffe)

by Rivke Jaffe

This article by Rivke Jaffe is free to read. The author will be participating in an upcoming debate, in our debates and developments section, on Street Music, Urban Ethnography, and Ghettoized Communities. For all those interested in this topic, watch this space.
