Volume 22  Issue 3  September 1998




The Genesis of the High Technology Milieu: A Study in Complexity

‘Fourth World’ Cities in the Global Economy: The Case of Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Environment‐Related Litigation in Rio de Janeiro: Shaping Frames for a New Social Problem

The Political Economy of Urban Land Reforms in a Post‐Colonial State

Local Impacts of the Post‐Mao Development Strategy: The Case of the Zhujiang Delta, Southern China

Social Conditions and Economic Performance: The Bond Between Social Structure and Regional Growth in Western Europe

Urban Conflict and Social Movements in Poor Countries: Theory and Evidence of Collective Action

Regulations and Governance in European Cities

Loïc Wacquant’s ‘Three Pernicious Premises in the Study of the American Ghetto’

How ‘Bad’ Is It?: Institutions and Intentions in the Study of the American Ghetto

Book Reviews

Book Reviews

Shorter Reviews

Shorter Reviews
