Volume 37  Issue 4  July 2013


State Rescaling in Non‐Western Contexts

Continuity and Change in Public Policy: Redistribution, Exclusion and State Rescaling in Turkey

Fracturing Hegemony: Regionalism and State Rescaling in South Korea, 1961–71

Development Regimes, Scales and State Spatial Restructuring: Change and Continuity in the Production of Urban Space in Metropolitan Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Times and Spaces of Homeless Regulation in Japan, 1950s–2000s: Historical and Contemporary Analysis


From Frontier to Bridgehead: Cross‐border Regions and the Experience of Yunnan, China

Relational Governance and the Formation of a New Economic Space: The Case of Teheran Valley, Seoul, Korea

The Global Production of Transportation Public–Private Partnerships

Governance on the Ground: A Study of Solid Waste Management in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Governance in the Post‐War City: Historical Reflections on Public–Private Partnerships in the UK

Be Berlin! Governing the City through Freedom

Soft Spaces, Fuzzy Boundaries and Spatial Governance in Post‐devolution Wales

Cooperation and Capacity? Exploring the Sources and Limits of City‐Region Governance Partnerships

Raising the Regional Leviathan: A Relational‐Materialist Conceptualization of Regions‐in‐Becoming as Publics‐in‐Stabilization

Structures, Procedures and Social Capital: The Implementation of EU Cohesion Policies by Subnational Governments in Poland

Changing Trends in Regional Economic Development Policy Governance: The Case of Northern Ontario, Canada

Transfer Payments without Growth: Evidence for German Regions, 1992–2005

Post‐Reunification Restructuring and Corporate Re‐bundling in the Bitterfeld‐Wolfen Chemical Industry, East Germany

Book Reviews

Urban Spaces after Socialism. Ethnographies of Public Places in Eurasian Cities – Edited by Tsypylma Darieva, Wolfgang Kaschuba and Melanie Krebs; Iron Curtains. Gates, Suburbs and Privatization of Space in the Post‐socialist City – Edited by Sonia A. Hirt

Remaking Urban Citizenship. Organizations, Institutions, and the Right to the City – Edited by Michael Peter Smith and Michael McQuarrie

Locating Neoliberalism in East Asia. Neoliberalizing Spaces in Developmental States – Edited by Bae‐Gyoon Park, Richard Child Hill and Asato Saito

Neoliberal Urbanism and its Contestations — Crossing Theoretical Boundaries – Edited by Jenny Künkel and Margit Mayer

The Power of Urban Ethnic Places: Cultural Heritage and Community Life – By Jan Lin

Handbook on World Social Forum Activism – Edited by Jackie Smith, Scott Byrd, Ellen Reese and Elizabeth Smythe
