Volume 40  Issue 2  March 2016


The Structural Origins of Territorial Stigma: Water and Racial Politics in Metropolitan Detroit, 1950s–2010s

Solidarity in Climate/Immigrant Justice Direct Action: Lessons from Movements in the US South

Politicizing Undocumented Immigrants One Corner at a Time: How Day Laborers Became a Politically Contentious Group

Institutionalization and Depoliticization of the Right to the City: Changing Scenarios for Radical Social Movements

Acts of Solidarity: Crossing and Reiterating Israeli–Palestinian Frontiers

Why Local Social Forums Emerge Where They do: Beyond Diffusion, Geographical Appropriation

Reasons of Power: Explaining Non-cooptation in Participatory Budgeting

Ponds, Power and Institutions: The Everyday Governance of Accessing Urban Water Bodies in a Small Bengali City

Practicing Openness: Investigating the Role of Everyday Decision Making in the Production of Squatted Space

Formalization by the State, Re-Informalization by the People: A Gecekondu Transformation Housing Estate as Site of Multiple Discrepancies


The Limits of Shrinkage: Conceptual Pitfalls and Alternatives in the Discussion of Urban Population Loss

Why do Graffiti Writers Write on Murals? The Birth, Life, and Slow Death of Freeway Murals in Los Angeles

Book Reviews

Kuniko Fujita (ed.) 2013: Cities and Crisis: New Critical Urban Theory. London: Sage Studies in International Sociology

Alberta Andreotti, Patrick Le Galès and Francisco J. Moreno-Fuentes 2015: Globalised Minds, Roots in the City: Urban Upper Middle Classes in Europe. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell

Eitan Alimi, Charles Demetriou and Lorenzo Bosi 2015: The Dynamics of Radicalization. A Relational and Comparative Perspective. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press

Matthew D. Marr 2015: Better Must Come: Exiting Homelessness in Two Global Cities. Ithaca: Cornell University Press

Richard Alba and Nancy Foner 2015: Strangers No More: Immigration and the Challenges of Integration in North America and Western Europe. Princeton: Princeton University Press

Aaron Schutz and Mike Miller (eds.) 2015: People Power: The Community Organizing Tradition of Saul Alinsky. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press

Edward Murphy 2015: For a Proper Home. Housing Rights in the Margins of Urban Chile, 1960–2010. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press

Glen S. Coulthard 2014: Red Skins White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
