Volume 41  Issue 3  May 2017

In This Issue...

Cities are messy, noisy, and vital. Intersecting skeins of socio-spatial complexity enable a multiplicity of identities and interpretations. Irony is no less significant in the cultural realm where difference can become strength. The resurgent role of cities as safe havens is only the latest iteration in a historical impulse that spans the pre-modern, the modern, and whatever we choose to term the current epoch. The urban process exposes boundaries between activism and citizenship that are contested and unstable. Specific interventions can generate new alliances or reveal hitherto unnoticed webs of interconnection. As new fields of contention come into focus within the pages of IJURR such as food deserts, educational inequalities, and novel historiographies of past struggles, our body of knowledge about urban change is further embellished, bringing established and emerging scholars into sustained and productive dialogue. Some established debates continue to bubble up unexpectedly to produce new controversies and uncertainties. Conceptual shibboleths such as gentrification are beginning to fracture: can any single idea really encompass so many dimensions to global urban change? Can we build more nuanced vocabularies to do justice to the richness and complexity of urban life? If we strive to de-centre Anglo-American intellectual discourse can we generate new debates that lie closer to the global textures of urbanization? How can the myriad of other urban worlds, both human and more-than-human, be brought to our attention?

–Matthew Gandy


Creating Space For Citizenship: The Liminal Politics of Undocumented Activism

A Socio-Technical Perspective To The Right To The City: Regularizing Electricity Access in Rio de Janeiro’s Favelas

Food Deserts and Real-Estate-Led Social Policy

Is This What a Democratic City Looks Like? Local Democracy, Housing Rights and Homeownership in the Portuguese Context

When Social Infrastructure Deficits Create Displacement Pressures: Inner City Schools and the Suburbanization of Families in Melbourne


Preface to an Interventions Forum on Contextual Urban Theory and The ‘Appeal’ of Gentrification

Contextual Urban Theory and the ‘Appeal’ of Gentrification: Lost in Transposition?

Beneath the Appearance of Gentrification: Probing Local Complexities

Beyond Gentrification: Hegemonic Redevelopment in Hong Kong

Institutionalization of ‘The Property Mind’

Gentrifying China’s Urbanization? Why Culture and Capital Aren’t Enough

Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Gentrification: The Erasure of Alternative Idioms of Displacement Resulting from Anglo-American Academic Hegemony

Book Reviews

Rebecca Neaera Abers and Margaret E. Keck 2013: Practical Authority: Agency and Institutional Change in Brazilian Water Politics. New York: Oxford University Press Lisa Björkman 2015: Pipe Politics, Contested Waters: Embedded Infrastructures of Millennial Mumbai. Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press

Rivke Jaffe 2016: Concrete Jungles: Urban Pollution and the Politics of Difference in the Caribbean. New York: Oxford University Press

Chiara Tornaghi and Sabine Knierbein 2014: Public Space and Relational Perspectives: New Challenges for Architecture and Planning. London: Routledge

Faranak Miraftab 2016: Global Heartland: Displaced Labor, Transnational Lives and Local Placemaking. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press

Brian J. McCabe 2016: No Place Like Home: Wealth, Community and the Politics of Homeownership. New York: Oxford University Press

Eduardo Marques (ed.) 2016: São Paulo in the Twenty-First Century: Spaces, Heterogeneities, Inequalities. New York and London: Routledge

Kristin V. Monroe 2016: The Insecure City: Space, Power, and Mobility in Beirut. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press

Erik Harms 2016: Luxury and Rubble: Civility and Dispossession in the New Saigon. Berkeley: University of California Press
