Volume 41  Issue 1  January 2017

In This Issue...

The January 2017 issue of IJURR includes a symposium on urban politics, and a series of articles on urban networks and infrastructures. The symposium, entitled ‘Radical urban politics: theorizing the politicizing city’, considers the implications of insurrectional movements for radical urban political theory and practice in the wake of uprisings that have defined our so-called urban age. With articles on the Turkish uprising, Tunisian revolution, housing rights mobilisation in Spain, and squares movement in Greece, this symposium puts the political at the heart of critical urban theory. The articles that follow the symposium shift the focus to networks and infrastructures, again with a rich geographical variety. From urban operating systems signalling computational urban governance futures to the contradictions of water supply and sanitation systems in Dar es Salaam, from undemocratic aspects of infrastructure investment in Maputo to infrastructural solidarity in Bogotá and to experimental infrastructures in Quito, these articles make a significant contribution to debates around urban networks and infrastructures, both theoretically and empirically.

— Mustafa Dikeç


Theorizing the Politicizing City

The Work of a Few Trees: Gezi, Politics and Space

From Occupying Plazas to Recuperating Housing: Insurgent Practices in Spain

Staging Equality in Greek Squares: Hybrid Spaces of Political Subjectification

The Tunisian Revolution: Neoliberalism, Urban Contentious Politics and the Right to the City


Urban Operating Systems: Diagramming the City

Toward The Networked City? Translating Technological ideals and Planning Models in Water and Sanitation Systems in Dar es Salaam

Sisyphean Dilemmas of Development: Contrasting Urban Infrastructure and Fiscal Policy Trends in Maputo, Mozambique

How to Mend a Fragmented City: a Critique of ‘Infrastructural Solidarity’

Experimental Infrastructure: Experiences in Bicycling in Quito, Ecuador

Book Reviews

Anne Haila 2016: Urban Land Rent: Singapore as a Property State. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell

Asher D. Ghertner 2015: Rule By Aesthetics: World-class City Making in Delhi. Oxford: Oxford University Press

James Farrer and Andrew David Field 2015: Shanghai Nightscapes: A Nocturnal Biography of a Global City. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press

Kate Maclean 2015: Social Urbanism and the Politics of Violence: The Medellín Miracle. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Talja Blokland, Carlotta Giustozzi, Daniela Krüger and Hannah Schilling (eds.) 2016: Creating the Unequal City: The Exclusionary Consequences of Everyday Routines in Berlin. Farnham: Ashgate

Nicholas Phelps 2016: Sequel to Suburbia: Glimpses of America’s Post-suburban Future. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
