Volume 44  Issue 5  September 2020


Cities, Creativities and Urban Creative Economies: Re‐descriptions and Make+Shifts from Sub‐Saharan Africa

The Creative Night‐Time Leisure Economy of Informal Drinking Venues

Infrastructure Disruption in ‘Silicon Savannah’: Exploring the Idea of the Creative Class and their Relation to Quality of Place in Nairobi, Kenya

Creative Cities, Graffiti and Culture‐Led Development in South Africa: Dlala Indima (‘Play Your Part’)

Identity Building Through Mediation by African Tailors


The (Re)Making of Polycentricity in China’s Planning Discourse: The Case of Tianjin

A Missing Citizen? Issue Based Citizenship in City‐Regional Planning

From Territorial Cohesion to Regional Spatial Justice: The Well‐being of Future Generations Act in Wales


Debate on Margaret Kohn’s The Death and Life of the Urban Commonwealth

Locating the Commons in the Urban Commonwealth

Kohn’s Social Democratic Alternative: A Critical Comment

Gentrification and Urban Justice

The City Into Theory: Theory in Toronto

Author Response

Book Reviews

Rolnik, Raquel 2019: Urban Warfare: Housing under the Empire of Finance. London: Verso Books

Stehlin, John G. 2020: Cyclescapes of the Unequal City: Bicycle Infrastructure and Uneven Development. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press

Seim, Josh 2020: Bandage, Sort, and Hustle: Ambulance Crews on the Front Lines of Urban Suffering. Oakland, CA: University of California Press

Alberto Veira‐Ramos, Tetiana Liubyva and Evgenii Golovakha (eds.) 2020: Ukraine in Transformation: From Soviet Republic to European Society. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer

AMO / Rem Koolhaas(ed.) 2020: Countryside: A Report. Cologne: Taschen
