On Friday 28 April, 10:00 GMT 2022 award holders were invited to meet with IJURR Foundation trustees to discuss their experiences of the award, their own work and to form a community between award holders.



Today marked a momentous occasion for the IJURR Foundation. We were thrilled to have finally met the phenomenal awardees of our 2022 studentship and writing-up scholarships. This was a one-of-a-kind pilot event that we organized with a select group of IJURRF Trustees (Dr. Champaka Rajagopal; Dr. Emma Jackson; Dr. Barbara Lipietz; and Professor Charlotte Lemanski), and it was an absolute blast to connect with these incredibly talented early career academics. We were absolutely amazed by their research plans and academic ambitions for the future, as well as their brilliant ideas on how to establish a closely-knit alumni network. A huge round of applause to awardees Guilherme Minarelli and Mwangi Chege, our amazing awardees, for joining us and collaborating on the future of our alumni network and its activities. We were truly touched and energized by the experience, and can’t wait to see what the future holds for our alumni community and meet more of our current and previous alumni.

